Symptom 1: 0xc000000f error screen on startupĪs a part of the system startup procedure, the BOOTMGR bootloader first introduced in Windows Vista and used in all later versions of Windows, including Windows 7, Windows 8(.1), and Windows 10, uses a database of entries and configuration options known as the BCD ( Boot Configuration Database), which acts as a global store for all boot-related options and settings on newer Windows PCs. However, if an entry in a BCD file has an incorrect type – for example, a Windows XP entry pointing to a Windows 7 partition – then a “0xc000000f” error is displayed and the boot process is halted. The error messages, alerts, warnings, and symptoms below are tied to this error. The following information on this error has been compiled by NeoSmart Technologies, based on the information gathered and reported by our global network of engineers, developers, and technicians or partner organizations.
2.2 Fix #2: Use Startup Repair to repair BOOTMGR.2.1 Fix #1: Rebuild BCD via Easy Recovery Essentials.1.2.1 Cause 1: BCD is missing or corrupt.1.1.1 Symptom 1: 0xc000000f error screen on startup.