Note that enabling this setting lobally may affect all programs rendered on the GPU, including video players and the Windows desktop. The width and height values determine the window size. Left and top refer to the position of the top left corner of the window relative to the top left corner (0,0) of the screen.
Note that FXAA can be used in conjunction lobally may with affect all other antialiasing programs rendered on settings to improve overall image quality. Set the window position and size on the desktop. that can be appiied be used to in any program, conjunction induding with other those which antialiasing do rnot support settings to other forms improve of hardware-based image quality. Set up multiple displays Feature 'settingĪdjust video color settings She She fF, Scaling disabledĪdjust video color settings Image Sherpening wrpening OF, ScalingĪdjust video image settings Ambient Ocdusion ofįXAA is fast shader-based other forms post-processing hardware-based technique antialiasing. View HOCP status Global Settings Program SettingsĪdjust desktop size and position Settings: 'would like to use the following settings:
'Change resolution 'would like to use the is settings: The ovenides willbe used automatically each time the spectfied programs are launched, 'You can change the global settings and create ovenrides for spectfic programs.