I tested the App Notifications Visualizer by Microsoft and do not work, however put the link in the browser the image is returned.Įncode: http%3A%2F%.pt%3A8080%2FMeoHandler%2FImageProxy.ashx%3Fwidth%3D200%26url%3D1%2F5%2F55046d06-98e0-4aa3-be7d-f6996152b8ad_c_anatomia-16x9.jpgĮxtract template: string localImageURL = 'ms-appx:///Assets/MyImage70x70.
I try to put url on source of an image in XML of my LiveTyle Template, but certain urls do not work properly. Whether or not live tiles will survive is something that we’re going to find in the coming months, as Microsoft is expected to finalize Windows Lite in 2019. Microsoft apps ( News, Finance, weather, Mail, Travel, Sports, Photos, Health &fitness, Food & drink ) While saying about live tiles, Microsoft apps are showing.